Stay-Safe Loading Bay Gate Fronts
Introducing stay-safe’s new universal heavy-duty gate front:
Fits all Stay-Safe loading bay gate arms
Available in various sizes (width) to fit many types of scaffolds
Fully welded frame, completely manufactured from steel SHS (square hollow section)
10g weld mesh stitch welded to the opposite side of the kicker-plates to provide double-layered protection
Toe-board kicker-plates with double folded edges for strength and rigidity (optional)
Bespoke nameplates and SWL signage – mechanically fasten signage into the structure of the gate (optional)
Made for sustainability – Changeable individual parts for ease of repair should the gate become damaged – increasing longevity of the product
Painted in a polyester powder coat for durability
Fully compliant with TG20:13 and BS EN 13374

HDFF (heavy-duty fixed front – mesh only)

HD-EXT (heavy-duty extending gate front) – 2.4m to 3.9m

HDFF-TB (heavy-duty fixed front – mesh with toe-board kicker-plates)

Nameplates, SWL/Warning Signs and Powder Coating. Available to your specific SWL/messaging.

Please see below our wide range of stocked colours:

Other colours available upon request.

Stay-Safe Scaffold Products
7 Westminster Road
BH20 4SP
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01929 552625
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